Yondemasu Yo, Azazel-san Wiki

A mysterious character with an odd sense of humor.

Vital statistics
Romaji Name Kami
Kanji Name
Gender Male (?)
Age Unknown
Status Alive
Occupation God
Affiliation Heaven
First appearance
Manga Debut Volume 4, Chapter 36
Anime Debut Season 1, Episode 13
Ability Creation
Race God
Image Gallery


He appears to be a rather laid-back and easy-going individual. He often jokes around his own subordinates, making vulgar jokes. He seems rather bored or nochalant most of the time, and many of his actions seem to heave on whether it will entertain him or not, or even just because he "felt like it", as seen with Gagiel. However, he also has quite the temper, and if tested, can act quite ruthlessly, bordering on the sadistic. He can be seen reading manga a few times as well. 


He appears only as a shadow, with only his three eyes visible at all times. Sometimes, a more defined silhouette can be seen, but he still remains a shadow throughout the series.

Powers & Abilities[]

He has the power to either vanquish or banish angels from Heaven through punishment. He can observe everything that happens in the Human World. It is also assumed he can make grimoires disappear, and thus, kill demons permanently.

